Today was a really great day! Mark came home on Monday with the news that he was chosen as Student of the Month by his reading teacher! He was given a little invitation to the "Breakfast of Champions" where he and 2 adults are invited to attend a breakfast at the school.
We arrived at the school and went into the gym and found a really nice little breakfast laid out. There were fruit and cheese danishes, bananas, strawberries and grapes, breakfast pound cake, mini blueberry muffins and mini cinammon pinwheels. They also had orange juice, water and Starbucks coffee! Mark had 2 plates of food and really liked the pound cake. The cheese danishes were really good too.
The school Jazz Band was there and they were really good! I mean really impressive!
We sat down at the table and ate our breakfast and then Mark's teacher joined us. We talked about how well Mark was doing and she said he had transitioned really well in the short time he had been at the school. She said he had gotten caught up to where the rest of the class was and that he had been working really hard. Whew! That was so good to hear!
The principal presented the certificates by grade and then each grade gathered together for a group picture to be hung in the office and also to be sent out in the school newletter that we get in the mail.
I could tell Mark was very proud of his accomplishment. His Dad and I were beyond excited and proud of him!
Congratulations buddy! Your Dad and I love you and are so very proud of you! Keep up the good work!
Love, Mom